
dancing hands.                            

A finger in the air, twirling, the claw dangling down... they go up, down, back and forth, they all follow a tempo, a groove from the sound.

dancing hands is a research project initiated by artist Muriel Lisk-McIntyre in 2023. Intrigued by the way dance, and especially hands, follow the same type of movement on the dance floor (around electronic music scenes / with a focus on the digger scene), she questions the codification of these movements, their evolution through the decades, and asks: why has somatic expression through music become a pre-written choreography?

During this LCDO Septembre 2024 session, dancing hands takes flight on the hands of listeners and dancers, using gloves made by the artist.

The project took two turns: first, in the daytime during the set of Tonton & Tata, both DJs wore black mitten gloves.  Throughout the crowd, 60 pairs of gloves were distributed and worn by the dancers.

This group effort raised the question of social behaviours, crowd behaviours, asking whether it is the actual vibrations of the music that make people dance a certain way, or is there mimicry coming into play?

Why has the free space of the dance floor become a space where gestures are repeated and hand symbols adopted ?

The second happening took place during Just1’s sensual set. A different setting all together allowed for a more intimate, cohesive engagement with the dancers and the DJ.

Through these two happenings, an homage to dancing hands was made in situ. Indeed, exploring a subject in its actual context has enabled an acute reflection and engagement with the people who make the scene live.

A warm thank you to all the people involved in the project, to Atipik, Tonton Tata, Just1, the photographers, glove wearers, and all the beautiful peeps that have helped this project take shape <3